1. 利弊讨论 e.g. What TWO advantages does the speaker say Rexford University has for the students he is speaking to? (C5T3S2)
2. 因果关系 e.g. Which TWO reasons does Jeannie give for deciding to leave some college clubs? (C8T4S3)
3. 包含与否 e.g. Which TWO things are included in the price of the tour? (C5T1S1)
4. 行为方式 e.g. In which TWO ways is Dan financing his course? (C8T4S3)
5. 重要细节 e.g. Which THREE of the following problems are mentioned in connection with 20th century housing in the East End? (C6T1S4) 要明确考官的出题思路从而找到定位方向,捕捉重要信息。
1. 利弊讨论 e.g. What TWO advantages does the speaker say Rexford University has for the students he is speaking to? (C5T3S2)
2. 因果关系 e.g. Which TWO reasons does Jeannie give for deciding to leave some college clubs? (C8T4S3)
3. 包含与否 e.g. Which TWO things are included in the price of the tour? (C5T1S1)
4. 行为方式 e.g. In which TWO ways is Dan financing his course? (C8T4S3)
5. 重要细节 e.g. Which THREE of the following problems are mentioned in connection with 20th century housing in the East End? (C6T1S4) 要明确考官的出题思路从而找到定位方向,捕捉重要信息。