1. 确定先“直接回答问题”,不能迂回针对考官的提问,你要直接正面回答切忌兜圈子和回避考官问题。接下来,我们要针对回答进行解释,给出原因,给出例子,加以证明自己的观点嘛。每个人的情况不同,也可以登录文都国际教育官网进行一对一的咨询。我跟大家一样,对于那些自己熟悉或是已经准备过的话题很容易就想到理由或是证据,但是如果是日常生活中很少接触的事物,则会没有任何头绪了。那么出现这种情况的原因是大家始终从事物本身的特点出发来想原因,来看看下面这些例子:1) I’m quite into music for it never fails to cheer me up.
2) I love my name coz it makes people easily remember me.3) I enjoy playing computer games as it’s really fun and it’s a great way to loosen up.
2. 还有其他角度拓展思维从这个角度出发想原因并没错,但是当这条路走不通的时候,可以从其他角度发散思维:1) 从自己的经历出发:回想一下自己以往好的或者糟糕的经历,比如:I am not satisfied with public transportation in my city just coz every time I take a bus or subway, especially during rush hours, it’s packed like sardines.It always costs me many time during commuting on and off.Swimming would be the last thing (that) I want to do. And as I see it, it’s mainly because once I almost drowned in a river when I was little. It was so horrible.2) 从身边人出发:想想身边人对你的影响,比如:I’m keen on classical music thanks to my mom, who often puts on some music by Beethoven or Schubert at home.I find it great to ride bicycles thanks to my bestie, Catherine, who is a super fan of cycling. Actually, she always invites me to some local cycling events and gradually it’s become a necessary part of my life as well.
1. 确定先“直接回答问题”,不能迂回针对考官的提问,你要直接正面回答切忌兜圈子和回避考官问题。接下来,我们要针对回答进行解释,给出原因,给出例子,加以证明自己的观点嘛。每个人的情况不同,也可以登录文都国际教育官网进行一对一的咨询。我跟大家一样,对于那些自己熟悉或是已经准备过的话题很容易就想到理由或是证据,但是如果是日常生活中很少接触的事物,则会没有任何头绪了。那么出现这种情况的原因是大家始终从事物本身的特点出发来想原因,来看看下面这些例子:1) I’m quite into music for it never fails to cheer me up.
2) I love my name coz it makes people easily remember me.3) I enjoy playing computer games as it’s really fun and it’s a great way to loosen up.
2. 还有其他角度拓展思维从这个角度出发想原因并没错,但是当这条路走不通的时候,可以从其他角度发散思维:1) 从自己的经历出发:回想一下自己以往好的或者糟糕的经历,比如:I am not satisfied with public transportation in my city just coz every time I take a bus or subway, especially during rush hours, it’s packed like sardines.It always costs me many time during commuting on and off.Swimming would be the last thing (that) I want to do. And as I see it, it’s mainly because once I almost drowned in a river when I was little. It was so horrible.2) 从身边人出发:想想身边人对你的影响,比如:I’m keen on classical music thanks to my mom, who often puts on some music by Beethoven or Schubert at home.I find it great to ride bicycles thanks to my bestie, Catherine, who is a super fan of cycling. Actually, she always invites me to some local cycling events and gradually it’s become a necessary part of my life as well.
3. 词汇量的熟悉度决定给你的口语流利度换句话说, 流利就是非常自信地用英语表达自己。为有效增加自信和提高流利程度,你需要通过大量工作来提高你的词汇量和语法知识,流利度是应该有一定的语法基础的而且要熟练运用词汇和表达的能力。