authority figure :权威人物
spoil their grandkids :溺爱他们的孙子、孙女
wield incredible influence:产生很大的影响
unconditional love:无条件的爱
find it more interesting to :发现做xxx非常有趣
the Great Depression or World War II :大萧条、二战
Personal stories are much easier to remember than lists of names and dates from books. 个人的故事相对于书上的人物和日期可能会更容易记忆。
skills such as sewing, gardening, baking, farming or woodworking: 像缝衣服、园艺、烘焙、耕作和木工活等技能
pass on to grandchildren:传给孙子们
lived through the same or similar experience : 度过同样的或者类似的经验
old black and white pictures of unknown relatives: 不认识的亲人的古老黑白照片
siblings, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles: 兄弟姐妹、父母、爷爷奶奶、阿姨、叔叔
authority figure :权威人物
spoil their grandkids :溺爱他们的孙子、孙女
wield incredible influence:产生很大的影响
unconditional love:无条件的爱
find it more interesting to :发现做xxx非常有趣
the Great Depression or World War II :大萧条、二战
Personal stories are much easier to remember than lists of names and dates from books. 个人的故事相对于书上的人物和日期可能会更容易记忆。
skills such as sewing, gardening, baking, farming or woodworking: 像缝衣服、园艺、烘焙、耕作和木工活等技能
pass on to grandchildren:传给孙子们
lived through the same or similar experience : 度过同样的或者类似的经验
old black and white pictures of unknown relatives: 不认识的亲人的古老黑白照片
siblings, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles: 兄弟姐妹、父母、爷爷奶奶、阿姨、叔叔