1. Multiple choice (多项选择题) 2. Short-answer question (简答题)3.Sunstone compilation (完成句子题)4.notes /summary/diagram/ flow chart/table complication 完成备忘录 /摘要/图表/流程图/表格 5. choosing from a “heading bank” for identified paragraphs/sections of the text(标题对应题) 6. Identifacation of writer‘s view/attitudes/claims-yes, no or not given(判断对错题) 7. Classification(归类题) 8.Matching lists/phasas(匹配题)
1. Multiple choice (多项选择题) 2. Short-answer question (简答题)3.Sunstone compilation (完成句子题)4.notes /summary/diagram/ flow chart/table complication 完成备忘录 /摘要/图表/流程图/表格 5. choosing from a “heading bank” for identified paragraphs/sections of the text(标题对应题) 6. Identifacation of writer‘s view/attitudes/claims-yes, no or not given(判断对错题) 7. Classification(归类题) 8.Matching lists/phasas(匹配题)