
提问者 白眼郎
2018-08-07 09:44 阅读 4916回答 1

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1楼 · 2018-08-07 12:05.采纳回答

好吧,很多考生的雅思写作的痛点就是缺少变换的句型,如果非要说有什么万能句型,我们分别介绍了主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句、形容词从句、副词从句、强调句、倒装句、There be等。详情请看下文:雅思写作语法之万能加分句型: 1.主语从句:2.宾语从句:3.表语从句:4.同位语从句:5.形容词性从句:6.副词性从句: 7.强调句:8.倒装句子:9.Therebe: 雅思写作语法万能加分句型之主语从句: 1.It is crucial/vital/significant that… 2.It is manifest/obvious that… 3.It is my belief that… 4.It is said that… 5.It is as clear as crystal that… 6.It is a common sight that… 7.It is a sweeping tendency that… 8.It is a controversial fact that… 雅思写作语法万能加分句型之宾语从句: 1.Some tend to believe/contend/argue that… 2.I doubt whether the idea will hold water. 3.I doubt whether the idea can bear much analysis. 4.I am inclined to believe that… 5.Studies reveal that there is a definite link between…and… 6.They insist/maintain that… 雅思写作语法万能加分句型之表语从句: 1. My belief is that… 2.My feeling is that… 3.This is largely because 4.One of the reasons is that… 5.A most obvious result is that… 6.a pressing issue extinguish is that… 雅思写作语法万能加分句型之同位语从句: 1.I am not a believer in the argument that… 2.I hold the belief/view that… 3.I am in favor of the idea that… 4.Some people hold the statement that… 5.Some people take the view that… 6.Some people advance the opinion that… 7.There is a growing consensus that… 8.But the disadvantage of this solution lies in the fact that… 雅思写作语法万能加分句型之倒装句: 1.Under no circumstances should we ignore the value of… 2. On no account should we do sth. 3.Under no circumstances could I agree to this point of view. 4.Tough it maybe, there must be many effective measures we can take to tackle the problems. 5.In my country is an issue that… 6.In the modern world exists an intriguing fashion that… 7.Obviousisasight that… 8.Not until quite recently did we realize the seriousness of this problem. 9.Only in this way, can the problem be solved successfully. 雅思写作语法万能加分句型之定语从句: 1.There are numerous reasons why I hold this opinion. 雅思写作语法万能加分句型之强调句: 1.it is this type of decision that we must be very careful about making. 2.it is not the development of technology but the increase of population that leads to energy crisis. 雅思写作语法之万能加分句型之虚拟语气: 1.Without…,human life would be quite different today. 2.It is necessary/natural that主语+should do 3.If everyone in the country bought one soft-drink each day and threw it away, there would soon be a huge mountain of rubbish. 4.It is high time that we made great effort to tackle this problem. 雅思写作语法万能加分句型之分词作状语和定语: 1.Taking into account all the factors, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that… 2.Therearesomedisadvantagesbroughtaboutby… 雅思写作语法万能加分句型之我认为: 1.Under no circumstances could I agree to this point of view. 2.It is my belief that… 3.My belief is that… 4.I hold the belief that… 5.I am inclined to believe that… 6.I am not a believer in the argument that…

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